Thursday, 20 June 2013

Do You Even Lift...?

Just got back from a late afternoon Gym session and thought I'd share my workout while i have a good rest until teatime.

I'll post my workouts every now and then to give people ideas and different variations for their work outs, gladly accept ideas from readers if they feel they have some good advice that myself and others could benefit from, and feel free to message me if you have any questions and want some advice on anything gym related. I'll help wherever i can.

So today i worked on Chest and Triceps:

  • Quick warm up. Aways warp up before a workout to avoid injury (I always grab a couple of 5kg plates and loosen up my shoulders with some rotator cuffs before any upper body workout) 
  • 3 x 6-12reps Decline Bench Press. This exercise targets the lower chest (Here I started on a moderate weight for 12reps for my first set then did the next 2 sets at my max weight for 6reps. I also did an extra set with an extra 10kg added to the bar for just 2 slow reps. I have found this technique to be very effective when preparing you body for the next weight up in your bench)

  • 3 x 6-8reps Incline Dumbbell Bench Press. This exercise targets the upper chest (Today i stayed on a medium weight for all 3 sets to really concentrate on my form. Dumbbells are a great variation for bench pressing as it requires more stabilisation of the weight)
  • 3 x 10reps Dumbbell Fly. This exercise provides a great stretch and pump in the chest (Most people believe this exercise is all about the stretch but it is actually a hugging exercise. When bringing the dumbbells back together, it's important to create a squeeze in the chest to get the full benefit)
  • 3 x 6-10reps Wide Grip Bench Press. This exercise targets the whole chest and provides a stretch to the muscles (Not an exercise i do often but it is always good to add variation to your workouts to avoid hitting a plateau. I'd advise sticking with a lower weight for this exercise as it does put more pressure on the wrist compared to a regular grip on the bench.)
  • 3 x 6-10reps Tricep Dips. Great exercise for the triceps (When this exercise becomes too easy that you can do12 or more's great to add some weight to add more tension to the muscle. If this is an exercise you struggle with, some gyms have weight assisted dip machines)
  • 3 x 8-10reps Tricep Pull Downs. Great Isolation exercise for the triceps (I find this exercise great to exhaust the triceps at the end of the workout and there are various bar and rope attatchments for this exercise. I often superset this with some ez-curl barbell curls to get a nice pump in the arms)

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